Masculine & Feminine Energies: Finding your Balance

By Camilla Brignano

When we first think of the terms ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ we automatically understand them as gendered terms. Thus by default associating certain qualities, such as being assertive and dominant as masculine and qualities such as being intuitive and caring, as feminine. Therefore predominantly prescribing them to either men or women. 

However rather than being a gendered prescription, the ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ can be better understood as being part of universal energies. This means that both masculine and feminine qualities are inherent within us all, rather than defined to a specific gender type. Stemming from Eastern traditions, yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) from Chinese philosophy and shiva (masculine) and shakti (feminine) from Indian philosophy, it is essential for our wellbeing that these energies are in balance, in order to live a harmonious and successful life. We cannot have one without the other, together they work in an interplay towards a common goal.

The beauty of this understanding of ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ is that it allows us to both express but also embrace both of our masculine and feminine sides. It is no surprise that men can be gentle and caring, just as women can be assertive and passionate. When these energies come together and achieve balance, whether that is within our professional or personal lives, we are not only able to communicate more effectively but also able to understand one another better. In this way we can create bridges of understanding, collaboration and cohesion. 

By embracing our inner yin and yang we not only achieve balance in our professional and personal lives, as well as forming and developing better relationships with people, but also discover who we truly are. Discovering and embracing your true self is the greatest form of self-care and at Pampae this lies at the heart of our philosophy. Embracing the beauty of our natural selves, both our feminine and masculine, is what inspired us to create our Yin and Yang candles, so that you too can embrace your inner yin and yang and find your balance.